Sunday, January 2, 2011

Essay:Benefits of Reading

Benefits of Reading
                Reading maketh a man. Today, we enjoy such a wide array of reading material ranging from books, magazines, newspapers, comics and the latest e-books. However, we still do not make it a habit to read. This fact can be consolidated by a recent survey that has singled out that a majority of citizens hardly read. What a shame! Obviously, we do not realize the importance of reading. In this era of modernization, in order to become a successful person or a top-notch student, we should enrich ourselves with adequate knowledge and perspective. Instead, citizens in developed countries like Russia, China, Japan, Korea and Australia are enriching themselves with knowledge and information. Thus, it is high time that we make it a point to read.
               First and foremost, reading is the perfect platform for us to improve our knowledge. It is undisputable that, nowadays, the bookstores are flooded with various kinds of reading materials dealing with different subjects. By reading numerous genres of books, we are able to broaden our minds. For example, we can always flip through magazines or books to acquire knowledge and information on particular fields. Magazines like National Geographic, Popular Science, Discovery, Chips , Time and Reader’s Digest  provide a colossal of information about science and the latest technologies. Those who are interested in technology will stand a golden opportunity to have a deep understanding on technology and thus helping them to get a promising job in the future. Aside from this, reading helps us to keep abreast with the latest developments in the world. One can know about the news or headlines of the world by just skimming through newspapers or surfing the Internet. People who are informative and knowledgeable are not considered as “a frog under a coconut shell”. Hence, it is true that reading enable us to widen our knowledge besides of keeping us oblivious of the latest developments in the world. In other words, “reading is the window of the world”.
           Furthermore, reading stands us a good stead in improving our command of languages. It has become an irrefutable fact that most of the people around the globe are not highly proficient in English which is an international language. This is because they tend to stick to their mother tongue. Sadly, they do not realize the importance of English. In order to master the language, we should cultivate the habit of reading. By reading we are introduced to a thousand and one words that are seldom applied in speaking but may come in handy when comes to writing. Persons who hardly read will not be able to do well in his essay writing as he fails to acquire the essential writing skills. On top of that, he also fails to learn some useful words that are a necessity in writing a good essay. Thus, it can be said that reading increases one’s vocabulary as well as polishing up one’s writing skills. In addition, by reading we are able to be fluent in foreign languages like Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, French and Arabic, just to name a few. Therefore, we will have the ability to converse with the citizens of other countries.
        Nevertheless, reading provides relaxation and entertainment. It is an ubiquitous phenomenon that thousands of people in the world are deriving entertainment from reading. This is because reading is the best form of entertainment and relaxation after enduring their mind-boggling work. Reading helps them to vanquish their daily stress and soothe their pressured minds. Needless to say, we do not have to burn a hole in our pockets when we are craving for entertainment. Unlike DVDs or television programs, books are the cheapest source of entertainment which only cost us up to a few dollars, perhaps the most exorbitant books will only cost up to the maximum of 50 dollars which is within the budget of a layman.
           On the other hand, we should not overlook the advantage of reading which is associated with unleashing our creative powers. By reading thrilling story books like The Lost Symbol, Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress which are written by a prominent author, Dan Brown will definitely keep us thinking about the plots. When we are thinking about the plots, question marks will be popped up in the frame of our minds. Subsequently, we will have to imagine the consequences or the next scenes of the story. All these require creativity, unlike watching movies or videos, where there is little left to the imagination. This is because the scenes are already portrayed using images or pictures. It is a huge fallacy to say that watching movies is far better than reading books to unleash one’s creativity.
         In a nutshell, it would cost us a fortune if we do not make an effort to read. If we take a close look at people who often read, they are generally creative, it is vital that every citizen in the world picks up the habit of reading. The government should play a pivotal role in promoting the habit of reading. Several awareness campaigns should be held in arm to raise the awareness of the nations on the importance of reading besides boosting the interest of the public in reading. Most importantly, parents should encourage their children to read when they are still young.

Benefits of Reading(Points)

1.   1.   Improve knowledge
-various kinds of reading materials
-magazines, books, newspapers, e-books

2.    2.  Strengthen your languages
-International languages like English and Mandarin
-Polish one’s writing skills
-Increase one’s vocabulary

3.   3.   Provide relaxation and entertainment
-Relieve stress

4.    4.  Unleash your creative powers
-Keep you thinking about the plots

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sayings and Quotations (Patriotism)

1.Ask not what your country can do for you;ask what can you do for your country.
(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

2.It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country.

3.It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind.

4.A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.(George William Curtis)

5.I have long believed that sacrifice is the pinnacle of patriotism.(Bob Riley)

6.Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong.(James Bryce)]

7.Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched.
(Guy de Maupassant)

8.Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it.(George Bernard Shaw)

9.The love of one's country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border?
(Pablo Casals)

10.The tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.(Lyn Nofziger)

Sayings and Quotations (Environment)

Sayings and Quotations (Environment)

1.Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents.It is loaned to you by your children.

2.Saving the Earth is collective responsibility, we inherit a clean Earth from our ancestors so we should leave behind a clean and beautiful Earth for the generations to come.

3.Just as we do not abuse our mother, we should not abuse our Mother Earth.

4.Every little action on our part can go a long way to protect the environment whatever we do serves as an example for others. If we all got together and make an effort to save the environment we can make a big difference.

5.A little help is always useful because if everyone were to help a little, a lot could be achieved.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Short Paragraph:A Scene at A Busy Restaurant

A Scene At A Busy Restaurant

                          I pushed through the crowds of young people hovering outside the automatic doors at Burger King. The lovers of food trickled into the restaurant at about 2.00p.m. At the door itself the aroma of greasy and fatty burgers greeted one’s nose, promising a whole range of pleasures and a fully belly. Two smartly dressed waiters welcomed me with a toothy smile. In addition to the warm welcome, the haunting melodies reverberated in the perimeter of the restaurant in order to bid the eager eaters welcome. Orders were taken feverishly and then shouted across to the kitchen. Excitement reigned as waiters ran hither and thither to fill the orders.

Short Paragraph:A Scene At A Departmental Store

A Scene At A Departmental Store

                    It was eight O’clock in the morning, the first streak of daylight brought with a fresh glimmer of excitement as January sales began. It was a mad rush to get ready as my sisters were busy preparing and making up before starting their spending-spree at the newly opened shopping mall and they had vowed to buy a lot of new branded clothes to pamper themselves. Obviously, they were prepared to “shop until they drop”. The air of excitement already filled the air as we casted our feet into the shopping complex. To our surprise, the crowd becomes more boisterous and it was made up of a myriad of characters. Everywhere groups of teenagers with multi-coloured spiky hair walked about from stall to stall. They were obviously window-shopping. There were pairs of housewives who were chiefly concerned with price. They could be seen making enquiries about prices and bargaining for better prices. The queues at the counters were extremely massive. It was about 12p.m in the afternoon, but the crowd had not dwindled yet. As we were totally exhausted, we headed towards a long bench waiting for the crowd to cease.

Sentences and Phrases for Descriptive and Narrative Essays(To express Sadness)

1.Her eyes were filled with unshed tears

2.Cried my heart out

3.Her sobs muffled against me

4.The sadness that filled me was overwhelming and my vision was blurred by the tears that flowed like rain down
   my face.

5.incessant sobs

6.breaking down in tears

7.The weather changed abruptly,strong winds started howling,dark clouds blanketed the whole sky,all these were followed by a heavy torrential downpour,as if Mother Nature had joined the somber gathering to bid the
innocent boy goodbye.

8.Beads of  tears rolled down my cheeks and seeped into my pillow

9.Tears welled out of her eyes